Education That Is Innovative AND Traditional: Why We Need Both in 2022

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The limitations of the last 24 months have caused all of us in CME to find ways to innovate, to bring forward our education in new formats with new methods of delivery. But our HCP learners have also repeatedly reminded us that many “traditional” aspects of our education are just as important as they ever were. HCPs want to connect. They want to share best practices. They want practical content that is relevant to their clinical practice. They want to hear from subject matter experts, and review and discuss patient cases!

With these aspects in mind, The France Foundation focused on delivering hundreds of live interactions in 2021. Through Grand Rounds, chapter meetings, workshops, and symposia. While many were virtual, they still provided critical platforms for professionals to make meaningful connections. As we move into 2022, we will continue to find innovative ways to bring forward the traditional in CME.

Click the link below to view a symposium that was attended by over 300 virtual learners this past October during the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians and supported by Boehringer Ingelheim:

The France Foundation

A ACCME Accredited provider.

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Chandler Building, 84 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, CT USA